
To assist customers who are using PowerPROview with the Power Analyzer II, Power Analyzer Pro, and Oracle Data Recorder products, this website has been constructed to provide some technical information and downloads.

The Power Analyzer II is designed to simplify improving the performance of your model's electrical system. The Power Analyzer II is a precision measurement instrument that allows you to accurately measure and calculate all the performance information you need to get the most from your electric model. The following resources are available for this product:

The Power Analyzer Pro is a significant upgrade from the Power Analyzer II. With additional temp, RPM, aux, and thrust sensors, as well as an ESC control and optional Data Memory unit, the Power Analyzer Pro takes performance testing to the next level. The following resources are available for this product:

The Oracle Data Recorder took the precision and features of the Power Analyzer Pro, and fit it in a versatile 9mm x 46mm x 26mm (HxLxW) unit. The following resources are available for this product:

Power Analzyer PLUS the first generation Power Analyzer. The following resources are available for this product:

You can contact us with your questions via the options provided on the Support page.